Saturday 24 December 2016

Merry merry Christmas!

And Saturnalia, Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or whatever it is that you celebrate.

I've started a new blog and here's the address:

I made an early New Years resolution for myself and this blog follows it, 
I'm trying to make a project out of it. I want to do it sort of facelessly and anonymously, so I've 
switched to wordpress. Anyone is welcome to follow me there though. My mission is to post daily, but you
know, the road the hell is paved with good intentions :D

While the blog is mainly dedicated to my "project" (I've no idea how I'll pan it out), I will not be forgetting
clothing & make up stuff either. They're a big part of me. And the biggest thing about this project 2017 is to 
figure out who I am and what I want out of life. So it might be pretty deep and stuff, but one thing I know
is that at this moment, in my life, I need to be deep, true and honest to myself. So again, if you want to follow
me on this journey I'm about to embark upon, you're more than welcome. I will be writing the blog in English.
I might translate some things in Finnish. 

all the best!

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