Saturday, 4 May 2013

Blog everyday for a month: 5 lines

After searching for challenges all night last night, I decided to participate anonymously to a blog challenge that's going on for the month at Rosalilium.  The original idea is to blog everyday on the month of May. I'm just starting this a few day late hence the name: Blog everyday for a month ;)

Day 1: 5 Lines:
 Introduce yourself or sum yourself up in just 5 lines.
Include a photograph that you are proud of.

I know I've been posting this photo a lot, but I'm just really happy about the way it looks! :)

*I'm a shopping addict to the point it resembles any other serious addiction.
*The best place in the world for me is home, I'm not much for clubbing or going to bars.
*I prefer my cats to most people, I'm amazed by peoples stupidity on a daily basis.
*I have an unhealthy fascination towards anything related to zombies :D
*I'm Finnish and live in Finland though I'd prefer living somewhere where the summers are longer + warmer and winters non-existing.


  1. toi kuva susta on magee :) onks yläbannerin tatskakuva sun koivesta?

    1. ois kiva lukee tatskapostaus! en ainakaa pikasella haulla löytänyt semmosta :)

    2. no sittenhän se ei auta kuin tehdä tatskapostaus :)
