Saturday, 20 April 2013

It's like friday friday...

I had such good plans for yesterday.. But for a change I woke up after just a few hours of sleep and so was too tired to do anything. I was supposed to go buy some dessert macaroons for example and wanted to go and buy a couple of shirts because I just want to shop :D But no, I did none of that. I wanted to wear a red skirt yesterday, but it was so windy I had to resort to jeans. Feeling so disappointed in the clothing I didn't even bother to take a picture of my outfit. 

Why a red skirt you ask? Well, yesterday was a "Wear red" -day. It's basically a concept of The Finnish Heart Associations brand Punainen (Red) to promote especially heart wellness, but wellness of women in general. You know healthy habits etc. It's been a "heart-week" and so yesterdays red-day was a part of that. There were different medias who participated and some medias even asked women to upload pictures of themselves wearing red. So the weather was against me wearing a skirt and so I wore red jeans and red lipstick. I tried to take a really cool picture of myself using my phone, but I was at the vet office and too conscious of my surroundings. But hey, it shows my jeans and my lipstick :D

So here's my outfit of the day yesterday:

While the cat was at the vet I prepared for today. Our best friends are coming over tonight so I headed out to the liqour store. My husband and I are celebrating our 7 years together tomorrow, so I wanted to ask our friends over and I plan on making them something to eat and we probably will play some board games and listen to the eurovision :D

Mmmmm, bubbly!

To me, this beer just seems pathetic. It's named 'Unknown soldier' and has a quote from the book. Don't get me wrong, the book is good and really descrptive of what went on during the WWII in Finland with the fighting, but this beer just screams: NEVER FORGET! I can so imagine the nationalists drinking this beer with their WWII paraphenalia and nationalist symbols... Whose idea was this???

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