Friday, 19 April 2013

Spring Cleaning

My wardrobe has been a mess pretty much since christmas... So it was time to clean it for a change. I usually do that a couple of times year and usually throw away a lot of stuff. This time I couldn't be bothered with the throwing out -part and it really looks like I didn't clean the whole closet at all.. But I did :D I can actually fit in there again and all the clothes are where they're supposed to be ;)

The storage space in our flat is pretty much non-existent. That's the problem with small flats. So  if anyone has any ideas; feel free to share them. For some reason my husband is opposed to having holes on the wall, so I can't even put up hangers. But unfortunately for him, sooner or later that's just inevitable.

The floor of the closet was blocked. There's even stuff on the suitcase >.<

These weren't on a shelf, just scattered about on the floor. Even the creepyass dude on the laptop is creeped out.
(Melrose Place provides the perfect background noise for cleaning)

A load of shoes under the rubble as well. Any shoe storage ideas anyone? They're more than welcome!!

For a change I found a load of clothes with the pricetags still attached.. A very very bad habit. That's what I do, I buy clothes and probably never wear them. The same thing happens with shoes.

New coats for spring and autumn. The pricetags were still attached...

Had to evict my husband from one of the two shelves he had in the closet to make room for my shoes, because I have no other place to put them.

I have so many bags.. Way too many. I'm actually thinking about getting rid of most of them and just keep my designer-bags, my vintage bags and well my favorite bags of the cheaper brands. Soon I won't be able to fit clothes on hangers as my bags are stored beneath them.
A bit tidier, but very tight... *Sigh*


  1. Kiitos visiitistä blogissani! :)

    Mulla on vähän samantyylinen ongelma meidän vaatehuoneen kanssa. Joskaan siellä ei ole ihan noin paljoa vaatteita, vaan siellä on sulassa sovussa ihan kaikki, mikä ollaan haluttu piilottaa silmistä...... Tiedäthän: "poissa silmistä, poissa mielestä".
    Olis ihanaa saada järkkäiltyä koko vaatehuone uusiksi esim tällaisilla:

    Joku päivä kun mä oon rikas, niin mä räjäytän koko vaatehuoneen uusiks! :D Pienimuotoisen räjäytyksen teinkin jo talvella...:

  2. Niin tuttu ongelma. Eikä minunkaan ukkoni anna laittaa mitään koukkuja seinälle! Odotan todella innolla ensi viikkoa, jolloin muutamme rivitalokolmioon jossa on KAKSI vaatehuonetta. Sen luulisi jo hetkeksi riittävän. :D Käys muuten kurkkaamassa mun blogia, siellä on sulle tunnustus. :)
